My son needed to make a Revolutionary War Monopoly Game for his history class and these worked perfectly! Advance to St. Monopoly Title Deed cards are usually 3 1/8 inches (8 cm) tall and 2 inches (5 cm) wide.

If you opt to make up your own cards, I recommend that you make them similar to the originals. They are interactive and one of a few items that can convey a complete message about what your company offers. Ready to Get Started? Click here to make your own Chance and Community Chest cards to go along with your customized Monopoly game. You can choose to order a complete custom monopoly game designed by us, and receive our.
Original Price USD 38.20 (20% off), Sale Price USD 36.90 Advance to Go (Collect $200) Bank error in your favor collect $75 Doctor's fees Pay $50 Get out of jail free this card may be kept until needed, or sold Go to jail go directly to jail Do not pass Go, do not collect $200 It is your birthday Collect $10 from each player Grand Opera Night collect $50 from every player for opening night seats Income Tax refund collect $20 Life Insurance Matures collect $100 Pay Hospital Fees of $100 Pay School Fees of $50 Receive $25 Consultancy Fee You are assessed for street repairs $40 per house, $115 per hotel You have won second prize in a beauty contest collect $10 You inherit $100 From sale of stock you get $50 Holiday Fund matures - Receive $100, Chance list: Advance to Go (Collect $200) Advance to Illinois Ave.

She is a stickler for the rules and loves to find vintage Monopoly sets in second-hand shops. Whether you're creating your own game or making a personalized version of a famous game like Candyland or Monopoly, you'll enjoy this fun and easy printable project.

We can design & manufacture your Custom Monopoly Game as well as Custom playing pieces. Design (require us to create press ready artwork) Manufacturing (have press ready artwork ready to go) Used for display, play testing, presentation purposes or other, NOT for long term use. HELLO CAN YOU SEND ME THE FILES FOR MONOPOLY ON MY EMAIL: I made one space for each of my cousins and one for each of my aunts and uncles. Original Price USD 565.00 We take pride in offering HIGH QUALITY, LOW PRICING & LOW MINIMUMS.

We ship globally! 1 More posts from the boardgames community 2.0k Posted by 3 days ago 2 Game room almost completed 1 / 6 Plutopoly is a free customizable monopoly business dice board game with local or online multiplayer support. We can make any quantity of games starting at just 1 game. Making Your Own Monopoly Board Making your own Monopoly board is easy! Once you have all the files downloaded, you can start editing them. Since the monopoly millionaire money overall looks nice you can keep that as well. View Custom Tooled Monopoly Game Pieces that we've created.